fill in the blank

direct semggu aku exam..sume nye writing tade projek2 cm sem lpas. ala..sem lpas pon just kls drawing..1sbjk tu je pon tade exam..just anta projek..sem ni agk penin sket. byk blaja sal theory dan sgt penin ! kls pon byk ta dtg. hahaha..last2 sem yg salu ta dtg pon..student pndai mmg cm tu. mls skli ! huh !

ckp sal exam ni,,aku pling sadis gile sbjk CCT..creative critical thinking. im sure all student kolej mst amek sbjek ni..know what? aku egt sbjek ni sng...pkir akl logik..rupe nye tak ! exam msok sume nye teori ! mmg bod** lahh..midterm tade la susa sgt. mai tang final..masyallah. !! susa gilo ! cnfirm fail pnye ! ape aku jwab pon aku ta taw..haihh. 

tp aku ase silap aku jgk. stdy chapter1 aje. hahahha ! bunguk aje. sok fail..mndpt ! byr ler rm8oo..adoi adoi. 

org suruh fill in the blank, aku ta nk fill..aku bia kosg. ye laa..dr aku jwb merapu2, baek aku bia kosg. sme je ta dpt mrkh..ape boley buat? rjin sgt kann..repeat la blik sbjk tu. kuikuikui..

exam oh exam..ta sggp na hdapi next sem..hahaha. now da cuti sem, mau rilex gile vavi lahh ! mau pegi karoke ! hoyehhh ! lpas lpas geram geram mendap mendap. huurey ! bye ~

silly face

huwargghhh. my blog hve already dusty. quite long did not updating any stupid article. hahhaa..speaking you ! alamak aii. aku bukan twu ckp omputih pon..trgeliat lidah ni..almaklumlah mkn belacan..melayu kan? smggu jgk la ta jenguk blog ni. ala..smggu je pon. last post pon sal tacink2 tu..bb oh bb. tu pon jd mslh. shh ! tu cite lme..skng suda ok maa..dlu pon ok juga. tarak gado pnya..klu gado pn sikit2 saja..mjuk2 tu prkare biase. sape pling saba dy la pling hebat. trnyata akulah org hebat. huwaaa.. :)

silly face? ape itu? ta taw ka? pi tgk dictionary. haha..eh..sblm tu. na ucap gak la SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 2012..ta sgke ye da 2012. cpt je mse brlalu..ase mcm smlm bru kua dr perut mak je. haha..azam baru? uichh..byk sgt azam nye. azam taun lpas da ta trcpai. taun ni laen pulak azam nye..tape laa. niat tu ade. kite berusaha.. ALLAH yg tntu kan..

now, let's talk about silly face..actually, it is not really silly face. mybe it is SENGAL face. everybody knows what is sengal rite? in english,,hmm..i dont know. hahha..well, i wrote it just now that i am not good in english either writing or speaking. this blog is the way to improve my language. just support me laa..if hve any wrong there, mybe my grammar, just leave it or help me, teach me, or show me the correct english..haiyoo..too much write huh ! haha..

i want to show you a picture..my silly face and also his silly face. :)

i dont know why i should tell u my lovely followers that i really fallen in love with him. hahaha..today is 2jan12..not our anniversary..but what i want to say is, since 110511 til now, i nver expected that he could love me as who i am. he avoid his temper bcoz of me..he try to fulfill my need, my wish, my thing..inside and outside. hoho..inside is my heart, outside is my things..dont think nonsense okay? :))

it is difficult to find a man like this..am i rite? yeaa..im rite ! i am stupid if i leave him..

susa na cri lelaki yg phm pmpn, laki yg thn prsaan mrh dy or myb MR. RIGHT..well, not all person are perfect rite? aku trime kekurngn dy, aku bgge kelebihan dy. hahaa..stkat ni dy ta penah SMACK aku lg laa..aku ase aku yg byk mrh dy..tu ta kne, ni ta kne..dy pon sbar je la..kekdg aku mrh pon aku gelak. suke gilaa wt2 tacink ngn dy. time tu dy pon penin cane na pjuk. aku tgu smpi dy fed up bru aku gelak kaw kaw pnye kt dy..hahaha.

haishhh..time brcinte mmg laa..sume na hepi je. mai kawen tgk, bkn sume yg kekal smpi tua tauk..aku pon takot na kawen. tp aku na kawen ! haha. plan da ade..cume mse yg menentukan..hrap2 mnjadi laa..na kurg kan dosa yg ada..ta nk tmbh dosa..JAUHI MAKSIAT. :)

msok balik kt silly face..i dont know why he always make a silly face to me. not the face in that picture ok..hehe. mybe he think that he is cute when he make that face? OMG ! i dont think so..haha. he just make me laugh..he changes a lot..he is too different between the first we met and now..but i like it ! i like the way he show that i am important to him.. :) susa na dpt org yg syg kte btol2 kan? boleh tgk laa..byk kpl yg maen2 dlm hbgn..klu bkn pmpn tu yg buat hal, laki tu yg buat hal. ade laki laen, pmpn laen..yg jnis ta taw malu pon ade..suh awex dy trme yg dy ade pmpn laen. time kpl da merase ade madu..time kawen?? berenti laa..byk lg laki laen. *based on true story* ..tp kire ok la laki tu ta pkul dy..tp ta tw plak klu mbr aku ni ta cte btol2 kn. huhu..and pling aku ta suke laki naek tgn. blom ape2 da brni pkul2..aku penah merase. cite lme usah dikenang..pengalaman jadikan pengajaran. ehh. btul ke? cm silap je? haha..lbih kurg cm tu laa..

i just want to share my happiness to all of u that and want we all together pray for our life from better to more better.

mohamad hafiz..

At first I thought we would just be friends.
A little did we know, our friendship would bend
To a love that’s so big for the world to see
that you and me are meant to be.
forever, forever you will be mine
Mine for me, mine to be
Mine for all eternity. 

All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart 
and for us to be together to never be apart.
No one else in the world could even compare, 
You’re perfect and so is this love we share.
We have so much more then I ever thought we would, 
I love you more then I thought I ever could.
I promise to give you all I have to give, 
I’ll do anything for you as long as I live.
In your eyes I see our present, future, and past, 
by the way you look at me I know we will last.
I hope that one day you will come to realize, 
how perfect you are when seen though my eyes. 


. j u e .!. b e e b o o .
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