ending ~

time to forget all those things
bina khidupn bru
im sori dear
diz is da way our stories end
with full of memories
we should make a new life
i know that there is someone there for u
just let me go
n i will let u go
we'll settle 'dat' problem later
i'll think about it later
for now i hve 2 think about my future
i need to think all diz
ta nk jd hipokrit
n awk pn ad ckp
ta nk ade sespe saket ati
i just made the desicion
i really dont want make ur life difficult
im sori
i know myfault
cume na leraikan bnde yg trgantung
mcm sblm2 ni..
ak pnah ckp..
kte msih kwn, n ttp kwn..
kte mule sbg kwn, akhir pn sbg kwn..
tk cre dear..

- end of 'luahan ati' -

. j u e .!. b e 3 b 0 o .
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